Hey Friend,
How are You? It's been a while since I've written. My life is very busy at the moment but I wanted to share my past weeks and thoughts. Did you know that I used to write almost every night my own stories and novels? Yeah, that's true and haste took my time with no mercy and now I miss writing so much. My silly dream is to become author. Write my own books and really make a living doing that but that's far from the reality. But now when my high school is finally over (I haven't graduated yet but I don't have any classes anymore ;) I have some time and I will definitely start writing again. So now you're asking how on earth I can have a busy life if I don't have classes to sit on? Well, I'll tell you all. I have 800 pages (500 pages are World's history from the very beginning and the book's name is “ The Human Web: A Bird's-Eye View of World History” and last 300 pages is Finnish grammar book) to read to my entrance exam to Helsinki and I have to learn them by heart. Hard, hu? It is and I'm panicking! I have just month and a half to learn them and I'm in trouble, but I'll try my best! I won't give up! So I've been at the library almost every day just reading and trying to change my lousy faith to fail in that huge exam. And of course this entrance exam is one obstacle between me and my Japanese studies in Finland. So even my belief that I'll do great in that exam has been a long time gone, I'll try.
Part from that I'll try to see my friends and my family. I never thought it could be harder than when I was in school, but it is. And I have big stress from my summer job! Like I told you in my last post I got a summer job and I still have it but something in back of my mind says: “don't trust that you have that job”. This is so frustrating! Maybe I should email them... I'm too paranoid! Maybe I should relax a bit! Ha ha!
I also made a promise to help Japan somehow and the day before the yesterday I donated little money to people who raised money for Japan. It was so sweet! There were like 4 or more Japanese people and they were raising the money. So I went and put some money to their box with one of my friend and they were so delighted! They gave us a sticker and handmade origami which was crane n__n (sadly I hadn't time to take picture from it but it was so sweet!). It made me so happy to see that they came so happy :) I love the Japanese's spirit!
Well, like you also know, I was in London like a week ago. I was with my friend and neither of us hadn't been abroad without grown-up supervision before but our trip went perfectly! We hadn't had any problems along the road (EasyJet and EasyBus were perfect for budget traveling) and everything went so smoothly that I was surprised how well things went! I loved London because of the stores (great place to shop!!) and because the city feels like alive. It almost never sleeps and I like it. I also liked the architecture and Chinatown was so adorable! Haha, can I say it was adorable? And the WEATHER! Omg! It was so sunny and warm and sunny and warm and WARM! It didn't rain at all when we were there and I already forgot that snow even exist. But sadly when we came back to Finland, there was snow everywhere and I was skating on the ice with my teeny weeny ballerinas. Great! It was like stepping to freezer after London's perfect spring weather. Finland had still winter and still have, sadly...
So, thing I didn't like so much in London were that every restaurant they didn't ask do we want our bill to be pay together or as a separate. Okay, I know it's not a big deal but in Finland that is always be asked and that bothered me b'coz we always wanted to pay separate and we got this one bill... I didn't like the fact that all London people just went in traffic lights like bunch of maniacs! Pedestrians were the worst ones! They didn't wait for green light but they went when the car was far enough (okay, this might sound like nitpicking but hey really! Come on! I don't have that hurry that I couldn't wait for a minute light to change...). And maybe our timetable was a bit stressing too coz it's hard to see everything in 4-3 days but I think we did pretty good job. We saw almost all important sights, like Big Ben, Westminister Abbey (where will be the royal wedding this month!), London Eye, Buckingham's palace, Chinatown, Oxford Street (haha!), British museum and lots of more! I loved London's parks 'coz they were kinda opposite to London's traffic and busy lifestyle. So even London was a great city, it wasn't my number 1 in my list. Some places in Holland won, but of course, you must see London at least once in your life and I'm surely going back! Next time I will be longer and be in parks much more and maybe more shopping too (even though I had 5kg more in my suitcase when I left London) ;) I'll add couple of pictures to this post from my trip, hope you enjoy!

Buckingham's palace
The red telephone box!
I saw my dream castle in one park we were at! I guess it was a mosque or synagogue or something...
The London Eye (and we also were like next to it but those pics aren't so great :P)
The famous Big Ben
Harrods - so big that we didn't even find all places there!
And the Piccadilly circus which is called to be London's Time Square (which is in New York)
I got also my points from my Finals and I did OK. They didn't went as good as I hoped for but at least they won't ruin my opportunity to go to Scotland to study if I don't get in any places in Finland where I can study Japanese. But I should wait for final results before celebrating! But I think I'll end for now, 'coz I'll have early waking in the morning. Library calls again! Take care people and I'll write soon again!
~~ Cha