Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Something is happening in my life - finally!

Hey you,
It's been a while since I've written here and I guess I was about to quit. But no, I won't let that happen! Carpe Diem is now part of my life and it's kinda my diary too.
So, year 2011 has started fastly. I did go to party with my friends a week after the New Year and my upcoming year is tempting and I just can't wait what this spring brings! I'm going with my girlfriends to this cruise with Silja Line and I'm not so fan being a boat bcoz I did that pretty much when I was a kid, but maybe this time it will be a blast! Friends will save the whole trip ;)

And of course because I'm Finnish and senior we have this “penkinpainajaiset aka. Penkkarit” soon which is celebrated bcoz seniors end their school that day! That will be huge thing and we all get dressed up with a theme (which in my school is traveling) and we will have this big show for second and first graders and at the same time for teachers. After that we'll go to dive with these big trucks and we throw candy to people and so on... Huge thing to seniors in February then! But yeah, including this I'm waiting my London trip which I'm going to do in March. Shopping, shopping and shopping! And maybe Big Ben ;D

I'm going to turn 19 also in February so I'll have full early year, but I'm not complaining! I have just realized that I do have a life and I do have a great future if I'm just willing to do things that support it. And why I'm thinking about this? Well, last summer when I was in Holland I met this great guy who's my friend nowadays. We always talked stuff, like things that I don't speak with no one else and he asked me in email: “Are you still bored with people around you?”. That is why I thought about this guestion. I knew the answer immediately; no, no I am not, coz I love them very much and I don't maybe have so much time with them if I'm leaving them in autumn... And when I'm thinking about it, I wasn't so bored with people last summer, I was bored the surroundings, the same streets and buildings and yeah... some faces too I guess. But now I see everything differently, what if I can't see these people or these streets soon for a year? What then? So, I decided to be as much as possible with my people and watch these buildings and streets until I'll bored to death. I love them even though I want to leave them. But not for eternity – just for a while.


~~ Cha